It must be 40 years old but the movie Cocoon is still interesting for me. Years ago I thought it was a nice romantic story made up of elderly people. that by the magic of a swimming pool near their property, were transformed into vibrant, more healthy and athletic group of men and women. It was a good but unbelievable exercise in the mysticism of the Hollywood scenarios. As I watched this time, now at an age quite different than the first exposure, it takes on an entirely more spiritual theme. Now it tells of this group who are offered the opportunity to leave Earth and go to a planet called Anterian (There is a large star called Antares) There, they will lead productive lives and never be ill or tired but they will be unable to return to see their loved ones. The temptation of a more vibrant, healthier life that permits them to live forever is intriguing but as with tears rolling down my cheeks (Not a unusual experience), the idea has great deal of truth and significance. I believe that I will, one day, during my next phase, be able to live the life as expressed in the movie. I think I will have a life in the eternities and yes it holds a great appeal for me but at the same time I will leave behind all those that I love. I now must weigh the certainty of seeing again, Louise, my parents and many others that have preceded me. This conflict was such that I was in tears. I have too many here that are always in my thoughts and are the ones I love. Can I leave them knowing I will never again visit them or see them unless the possibility exists that they may be seen through my spiritual eyes. But then again the tremendous thoughts of those I will again be with is too much for this persons emotional capabilities. I have reached an age wherein this story has an expression so very different from that of years ago. Equating one age with the other while quite impossible, nevertheless gives me much food for thought. When I reach a conclusion I may write another chapter but I also may reach the end of this book of life A conundrum at best. I may have to watch the movie again to see if I can come up with an answer.
Oh Jim, you've touched a nerve. As I grow older and become the caregiver as opposed to the cared-for, I
often find myself thinking the selfish thoughts of keeping those I love near, no matter what. I know I will never choose to keep them once they can't fight on their own; but if your mind is gone, shouldn't your body follow? How long is too long???
I want to be brave and let them go, when their time comes... I know there are others waiting for them, but oh how I will miss them when I can no longer visit and spend time with them. It's an age old question, you know? It's not any easier for the ones staying behind.... old on tight or let them go before things get "really bad". Boy, now that's food for thought!
Thanks for another perspective. Let me know if you figure that one out. Hugs from NH, B=)
What a nice comment from Brenda!
I am completely sure that those who go first can see, watch over, those who stay behind. I have felt my mother, who died when I was 9, at many junctures in my life, particularly when my children were small. It's only a small trip we will take, and they can come after. Time flies, you know.
Grandpa! This post is so sweet, and I'm sorry its a bit late, but Happy Birthday!
love Becky
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